Gather with us to draw inspiration from poetry, to write together, and raise funds to support the next Witches & Warriors Retreat.
Learn how Brew & Forge brings artists and activists together to cultivate connections and spark imagination toward creating change.
Hear from founder & co-coordinator Franny Choi and Witches & Warriors Fellows Precious Musa and MacKenzie Foy.
Co-sponsored by the Women Donor Network
Sherrie Andre and Arely Diaz-Loza (of FANG Collective), in conversation with poet Brenda Shaughnessy, January 2020
The Brew & Forge Lecture Series puts poets and political organizers in conversation to exchange perspectives and alchemize collective dreaming. Previously housed at Williams College, the series brought 2-3 speakers to present on their work, followed by a panel in which they discuss the intersecting roles of activism and the arts in envisioning the future of social justice movements. When held in person, the speakers also taught writing/direct action organizing workshops to small groups of students, staff, faculty, and community members.
The first iteration of the series ran from 2019-2021. Contact if your school or organization would like to partner with us to run future events.
Spring 2021:
Evie Shockley and Assata's Daughters
Fall 2020:
Danez Smith and the Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative
Spring 2020:
Brenda Shaughnessy and the FANG Collective
Fall 2019:
José Olivarez and the Pioneer Valley Workers' Center